Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just now on my TL

@SteveHofmeyr stepped up to debate @Sentletse while somewhere in Mdantsane a 12-year-old blew a shebeen owner for airtime. Bheki #Cele got his marching orders while @LindiMazibuko did something with her hair. @Euphonik showed up in court while @MiCasa started shooting their latest music vid ko Alex. @Spillly can't stand religion on his TL, so @ChrisRoper told him to turn the other cheek. @Brodiegal  had a serious rethink about Israel's attitude to foreigners and Palestinians while @BluntSlut said #ECSucks. @NikkiTemkin weighed in on Israel and @Brodiegal said the fear of the other, it's the same as what they did to us. Four hours after it started, @KhayaDlanga considered joining the @Sentletse-@SteveHofmery debate, then changed his mind. @kuliroberts curled up with #GumsNNoses when she saw @fayepeters was in it. @jaxonrice found an old flyer for the #DevilsMusicRockOrgy cc @FrancoisVanCoke @RamblinJayBones, when he moered that one oke in the face for pulling zaps. #moeredintheface. RT "@jaxonrice You make it sound bad. I think of it as giving something back to a fan". @AusiDineo changed her profile pic to one of Rafa Nadal. #RobVanVuuren couldn't wait for #pantsonfire. Meanwhile @texxonfire hit #tuesonfire @AndUnion for @lucy_kruger and we ran out of time to vote for @MissJenjo @FHMSouthAfrica #FHM100Sexiest. @ewnupdates came in five at a time and one was about #Euro2012. The receptionist offered the other guy coffee, but not @LeboMokwena. Now he's going to insist on it. @Mich_Kaplan wants this outfit. @HipHopPantsula says Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. @greg_dennis is at Land Rover @GhislaineGM cried at the doctor while @IAmLawry googled "micropenis" to make himself feel better while @JoanneOlivier might be five minutes late @ShotGunTori while @Kyle_Lippert said If there aren't enough tacos in heaven then god can fuck right off. Then I went to gym.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

lol yu combine all of tweets and made it into a story ... wow.. saw my name mentioned :)